Wednesday, December 27, 2006

let the flying begin

am packed and set and ready to jet.

leaving tomorrow on a 1pm flight to new york and thereafter flying home from new york to singapore on new year's eve.

sigh, it's hard leaving this life and this country that i've grown to love so much. but at the end of each season and journey, another begins. =)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


probably the best christmas present i got, from his fairy godmother. =*^.^*=


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Leviathan Thot

a powerful imagination-tickling installation by brazilian artist Ernesto Neto. A 'tulle and polystyrene creature' takes temporary residence under the dome of the Pantheon. Wild.




Saturday, December 09, 2006

my desktop ninja

desktop ninja

just made this... it's a photo of my own eye taken by radek at a small great jap-food joint. actually since i couldn't decide between the colours, i'll put the 3-toned version up.

3 tones

alright. comments?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

cool, queer film

tiempos de copia

lemme try

...some henna art


...some photomanipulation.

winged puppy multiple

Monday, December 04, 2006

El Desierto Part II

will deliever part one which consists of the first half of the trip soon.

Friday, December 01, 2006

two of us

two of us

R: sorry for the sucky anniversary. sick people don't make for very good company. here, let's make a toast, over ginger tea. russian style, so you better tell a tale.

D: (omitted.)

R: we'll have a make-up anniversary, i promise it'll be better.