Tuesday, February 16, 2010

El Egg

El Egg2

From El Egg

From El Egg

Chinese new year means that i have daylight and some time to run out and grab some eggs, get some help frying them, then stick them to a canvas that always seemed incomplete without some food on it.

Monday, February 08, 2010


From Phuket 2010

In the spirit of travelling light, I am trying to focus on what is essential. It gets easier. What is light, becomes all the more apparent in the darkness.

Taken on new year's eve, 2009 in phuket.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Note about Format

From Krabi 2010

Most of you might not have realised this, in the off-chance that anybody did, I'm trying to change the format of my blog. Kinda like me breaking out a little, it's awkward now, but what I envision for it ultimately is to have large-format images that are totally in your face, sucking the viewer right into the picture, instead of the kind, conveniently-small, carefully-framed photographs that I used to put up here.

Krabi and the Blur

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

From Krabi 2010

Mostly a trip of eating tons of pad thai, getting sun-burnt, being mosquito bait, and getting strangely invigorated by swimming long distances around and into some pretty sublime sea-caves.

By some strange virtue of a defect completely on the part of my poor camera skills, I have come to really like blurred subjects in my pictures, or blurred images. I think this penchant for blurred photographs came about from the mix of early noughties new york art exhibits and bad overtly feely architecture school montages.

However, if you want some idea of the beauty of the natural limestone beach landscapes in Krabi albeit through some grossly unthinking bad photography of mine, I've provided a link to my photo album below. It was a fun trip! ^_^

album link