today marks the last day of school at Tandem Santiago. it's been a rather tedious month of grammar practice and more grammar practice that doesn't really amount to much proficiency in picking up the language as we all in class have after a fashion been just filling out correct answers without giving much thought, or having the time to consider the meaning of the sentences we are filling in. i guess it's easy to fall into this trap as the structure of conjugating the verbs are pretty predictable. we don't understand the words as we don't play out situations or have any listening comprehension classes to accustom our ears to the words. in the chilean wilderness, the short-cuts and slangs being heard on the street far from help the learning journey.
at any rate, i've decided to stop going to this school and look for another after looking for a part-time architecture related job. methinks it isn't going to be easy, but i'll try my luck nonetheless.
here i leave you with more tablet doodles...