Monday, October 30, 2006

hi mom!

i'm getting paid 200 bucks for my part-time job, 9am-2pm, for 2 weeks. hmm that's 4 usd an hour, a far, far cry from what i used to earn in new york. no matter, it's still more about learning than anything else so, i'm pretty happy about being able to actually get a chance to poke about the scene here. don't say the blog doesn't get personal, coz i'm titling this to you!

upclose, and personal. ;P
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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Third Painting

seeing as the second one is a little too simple to look like anything worth looking at on photo, i present this, drew it just after a dream of little fishes nibbling at my hair. (still unhappy about the way the colour turned out on this but i guess i'll take a better picture on another day.)

Friday, October 27, 2006

the weekend before last

greetings to all back home at the kim family! finally managed to upload the next batch of photographs. i wonder if you have checked the first one out. well, not much news except for having made my 2nd oil painting and i have an interview on monday for a firm that i was interested in. wish me luck!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

friday's oils

i wanna be an artist i wanna be an artist...... sometimes i actually think i might be able to do it......

anyways. this is my first oil painting in AEONS. be nice.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the weekend 2 weekends ago...


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so i made a trip with diego to vina del mar to soak up some sun, get some seafood and unwind in some thermal waters... more web albums to come! ^_^

Monday, October 23, 2006

rescued draft from friday:

today marks the last day of school at Tandem Santiago. it's been a rather tedious month of grammar practice and more grammar practice that doesn't really amount to much proficiency in picking up the language as we all in class have after a fashion been just filling out correct answers without giving much thought, or having the time to consider the meaning of the sentences we are filling in. i guess it's easy to fall into this trap as the structure of conjugating the verbs are pretty predictable. we don't understand the words as we don't play out situations or have any listening comprehension classes to accustom our ears to the words. in the chilean wilderness, the short-cuts and slangs being heard on the street far from help the learning journey.

at any rate, i've decided to stop going to this school and look for another after looking for a part-time architecture related job. methinks it isn't going to be easy, but i'll try my luck nonetheless.

here i leave you with more tablet doodles...

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Voluntad de Hacer

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hello to my dear family, of course. it's weird writing to you all on blog, but i suppose this will have to do. been reading some architectural writings alongside my spanish classes. methinks conversing in spanish kinda messes up my english syntax as i keep translating the spanish sentences in my head word for word which of course makes for really bad grammar and rather incoherent strings of information. that aside, i guess i'm playing with the thought of asking if i could intern for a month somewhere here in a firm just out of curiousity for the chilean architecture scene. Vamos a ver, as they say here, we'll see.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

la casa roja

dura: 6 noches


kite-watching in the grass on fiestas de dieciocho


flores, la virgen de santiago




Friday, October 06, 2006

first post


decided to start a blog here for all interested in the coming and goings of life here in Santiago, Chile. kindly filtered of course through the lens of one that is

1) foreign
2) asian
3) suitably young, whatever that means
4) a student architect, whatever that means too
5) an artistically-inclined girl

dorothy high rise