i'm getting paid 200 bucks for my part-time job, 9am-2pm, for 2 weeks. hmm that's 4 usd an hour, a far, far cry from what i used to earn in new york. no matter, it's still more about learning than anything else so, i'm pretty happy about being able to actually get a chance to poke about the scene here. don't say the blog doesn't get personal, coz i'm titling this to you!
upclose, and personal. ;P
I know this isn't addressed to me, but erm, lots of hair...
That's standard issue around this side of the planet. :P
*tries to stiffle uproarious laughter*
does take a little getting used to, i must admit. ^^;
Ah you see, that's the consequence of not having David Beckham as a male (?) role-model! ;)
here goes my attempt to comment again. sigh...that's e trouble for being stuck in the medieval age...
ugh.. kinda of hairy gorilla there.. reminds me of the twits in Roahl Dahl's book. heh the bits about food paticles stuck in the beard? Don't let the model of the pic read this one ...
hurrah my comments went through!
Gotta go now
lols. finally, a squeak from the much awaited audience! no worries mummsy, the hairy gorilla is very good-humoured and he has impeccable table manners no food there.
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