Saturday, December 09, 2006

my desktop ninja

desktop ninja

just made this... it's a photo of my own eye taken by radek at a small great jap-food joint. actually since i couldn't decide between the colours, i'll put the 3-toned version up.

3 tones

alright. comments?


wordwanderings said...

i dunno. something is missing from this image.

dobby said...

Black & white anytime

Kinda ninja-some and anime-like

Rei Salveron said...

mmmf. *scratches head* can't really think what else to do with it.

but yes, i've settled with the black and white.

Anonymous said...

I like your eye. x

Rei Salveron said...

roux>> i love your writings. i can't seem to find a comment tabs on your webby. or sometimes i think you don't have one because you don't welcome them. in any case, i can't wait to see you again. it's funny how we say the things that matter most over the internet to a faceless public best.