Tuesday, September 25, 2007


she only happens to be one of my favouritest artist. we went to see her in concert at madison square garden last night. stunning.

here's another video of hers, it's one of the best music videos out there (or not out there), it's not for the faint-hearted, though. (link)


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you enjoying a cultural and political life on top of work! Lol. Neither of which seems available to me at the mo! Hope you're keeping well. Kumar has changed his Bollywood so we need to scramble to keep up again! xxx

Rei Salveron said...

Awwww! I wish you were around when I was still spending my year out in sg. Still, enjoy your last days in your old home! xxx

Anonymous said...

Still my home hun; I just happen to have more than one! I really think you should come over this Easter. Hopefully the weather will be lovely enough for you to bum around in the parks. xx