Thursday, October 30, 2008


Kozydan Bunnyfish Macro2

if i could go to the halloween parties in a Bunnyfish outfit, i would.

Bunnyfish live on the wall of my bedroom, and feed on the drowned relics of steampunk junk. They were first conceived by Kozyndan, an artist-illustration collaboration. And i have half a mind to abscond with this awesome antique of a macro lens.

Kozydan Bunnyfish Macro


dobby said...

Hmmm...interesting..whimsical..think I like it.Done by you? What medium?

Rei Salveron said...
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Rei Salveron said...

The drawing is really a limited edition print from the artists Kozyndan, I took a photograph of it with a macro lens, thus the blurry bits. :)