I wish the picture was sharper, but warm lighting tends to do that to you. However, this isn't the season to be a perfectionist. Some of us are more than willing to put 2009 to a close. I'm one of them. To say the least, 2009 was a hard year. And the school of hard-knocks teaches you many things- one, that there are more hard knocks to come, some, even harder. Two, be glad for the good food and the good moments, all the other blessings that come with it. Three, you could have it worse, and yes, you could have it better. You just gotta take what you got and run with it. Four, don't stop looking up. ever.
Not the cheeriest of posts, eh? Well, I've abandoned my camera for long enough. I've left the paint to harden in their half rusty tubes, and pencils to rest, deep beneath layers of papers. Bills, mostly.
It rained in today, but I got out, and walked about. I found my camera lens 3mm away from destruction, salvaged from being smashed in, I decided to use it. Just when you think that you've laid some things aside for a happier season, they come out at you, and demand your attention. You can't say no, and feel the better for it.
Wow... you make me hunger for that dish. :P
Chin up, kitten! We bravely walk into the 2010!
Happy new year 2010. Hopefully, it will bring happiness and success for us.
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