I've just discovered this completely irresistable tool called the rasterbator. You plop photographs into it, it gives you the photograph- in circles. Me, I particularly like this Calvin Klein underwear angel. Xp
On other fronts, studio work is finally looking up, with 3.5 weeks left to the finish and about 5.5 weeks left to home. I can't believe this semester is almost over. Isn't it universally true that time speeds up when you get older? If months seem like days now, I wonder what a year might seem like when I'm 50.
Ya time passes really quickly when u are in your fifties. But then that's because there's so much to do and so little time to do it in. What's the pace of time when one is in the eighties and with nought to do? Enough of such depressing thoughts...
heh. don't think negatively! when you're eighty, you can focus on keeping healthy, relaxing and living off the fruits of your labours finally! plus you can do all those things you're so interested in doing once you retire. ain't that great?
I want to retire...
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