so me and the make-shift Nick Fury went down to east village to watch the legendary New York Halloween Parade. suffice to say, all of the streets from 23rd to the 14th were blocked off because of the sheer volume of paraders. we never made it there. we did however get our feast of sights, i must confess that the ones shown here were merely the beginnings of the thickening crowd, and i fast ran out of photo space before we hit the real meat of costumed revellers.

Hey where are your whiskers? Ha Ha.
Thought u were in the thick of things. From your photos, the revellers look like having loads of fun. I personally don't relish shoving and jostling in a sea of sweating and odourous humanity like that Carribean/Indian carnival 2 years ago.
Halloween! Must have been such fun. I was stuck freezing myself to death in Sydney (yes!) and being grumpy because it was raining. Hmmmmm....
Hehe, but i want to see you dress up like a house elf, M!
Are you back in London, cuz? I got your song, started doing some Bollywood moves until a second later, upon which i stopped because i forgot what the next moves were. ^_^:;
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