i've been re-reading these two epistolary novels by nick bantock (that is since i last bought them 3 years back), about Griffin and Sabine, a postcard artist and a postal stamp illustrator who write to each other from different ends of the world. In fact, so compelling is the art that the book itself is composed of the letters and postcards with these multifarious artworks that stun me into a shade of green. i have nothing new done on the art front- architecture having wormed its tyrannous tentacles around my palate of excuses- only this one oil painting* done in a fit of contagious anger that i caught off the streets of 105th and 107th.
*it was really done last semester and i promise i will post a picture of the rest of it once i take a decent photograph of it.
Haven't got time in the past 2 or 3 weeks to check out your blog. So only found out today that I can view more photos when I click on the photo. Where are thoses photos taken?
Am too lazy to learn to create my own blog and post photos. U gotta come back to see my Sakura photos.
Hey, just like my phone calls. I just remembered that I wanna ask about the size of the painting. Think it will be impactful if it's a big one. But mmm...I don't think it is.
heh. thanks for the feedback! i like this painting too, although i don't know if you will like the rest of it. the whole thing is 18"x30" so it's not that big at all. i didn't want to make anything bigger in case i need to ship it home....
i wanna see the sakura pics! those earlier pics were taken from the start of this semester... on my iphone. hee hee.
if you wanna make a blog i can teach you when i get back! *hugs*
Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
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