I must have slept a good half of my spring break away, only to wake up to some giant juicy scallop dinner (tasty!)and bruising snowboarding the next day. Now I'm back in NYC, in front of the computer with a cold creeping into full blast. Watching the jasmine-orange-pekoe tea bundle slowly blossom, hot water in my glass cup.
Hey- it's good that u've recovered from the punishing 1st half of your semester and had a good bout of rest and fun - sleep & snowboard. That'll energise u for the next half :)
p/s- how do I change my id from dobby to something else?
Yay! A comment! I can always rely on my dear ol' mum to put something up here. hee.
This is the image of the interior view of my cathedral project so far... i liked the collaged look of it so i put it up. Too bad i did this just after the midterms. heh.
I think you can change it when you post a comment, can choose how you want your identity... the options are just below the comment box.
I wish you guys at home had a blog so i get to see what everybody is up to. tho i think journalism would be poor as everybody would be too lazy to put up pics, right?
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