Thanks to my studio hangover, I don't get sleepy till 4am and I don't wake up before 1pm the following day. After the final studio reviews, I happily deluded myself into thinking it was time for a break, until today, when I woke up to the sobering reality of the 3 more deadlines ahead of me, 2 of which are due in 5 days. 5 days to kick out an essay about the Italian Renaissance and to figure out animation in 3Ds Max. Wheeee.
With the approach of winter, the sun sets at 4pm, giving me an excuse to take yet another denial break and stare out my window contemplating the passing of autumn. Damn i wish i took more walks in central park.
V beautiful. I need to start learning how to use photoshop! The only thing I can do at the mo is to remove blemishes, which is obviously v useful! Sun sets at 3.30 here, 3 if it's rainy. It's NOT FAIR. xx
That was a beautiful photo. Camera or photographer's skills? :)
Thought you were too caught up with work to keep in contact after your studio submission.
Lynn dreamt you came back last night :)
heh. thanks for the good comments! for one, the camera was a good camera, but to my credit, it's completely un-touched digitally. i perched the camera on my window-ledge for stability and let the shutter-speed do it's work. heh.
work is a nightmare. i've completely run out of steam to do this, and yet I MUST.
that's so sweet of lynn. i miss everybody! *weep!*
roux, about photoshop, as a starting point, it's fun to fool around with Curves innit. not that i specifically know what that does with regards to highlights, lowlights and middle tones, but it's super addictive and fun anyhoos. then again, you might prob already know all this. ^^;
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