Tuesday, December 30, 2008



Reasons for unrelated photograph: I'm in Singapore now, I have no idea when next I'll be home, the new year is imminent, and I feel guilty not updating the blog with another photograph. This was from Scotland this summer, and I've been meaning to post it up. Glen Etive, a deliciously sublime piece of mother nature.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

idle clicks

egads, it's hard to focus on school work. especially when one is trying to cultivate a mustache.

here's a shot of myself again, it's one of the few that were developed from my Holga... seeing as much of my study time is spent being my own subject. fairly narcissistic but don't complain, unless you wanna be my model!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Araki's Shadow

Homage to a memory: Painted flowers. We were only 16 when we cut classes then and ambled into the new NAFA campus, curious to see what it had to offer. It was the only time, I think, Nobuyoshi Araki ever exhibited in Singapore.

The Pink Revenge

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Cut Woolies

cut woolies

Been having a ball in seclusion from the cold cold weather outside, waking up with the scissor-urge to snip off the tops from my old thrift-shop sweaters and the desire to attach them to even older T-shirts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

10 minutes of leisure


The only free time I have these days I spend sleeping. And then 10 mins before a bath, before I plop myself in front of the computer to work, I can take a photograph.

Maybe my life will suck less after this semester.

Saturday, November 01, 2008



i'm moving tomorrow.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Kozydan Bunnyfish Macro2

if i could go to the halloween parties in a Bunnyfish outfit, i would.

Bunnyfish live on the wall of my bedroom, and feed on the drowned relics of steampunk junk. They were first conceived by Kozyndan, an artist-illustration collaboration. And i have half a mind to abscond with this awesome antique of a macro lens.

Kozydan Bunnyfish Macro

Thursday, October 09, 2008

eat, swim, be rabbit

eat, swim, be rabbit

a need for sleep. induces involuntary doodling. and the great appreciation for cool grass in the quasi warm 19 degrees sun.

the events of my life unfold in a small seamless array of lists. they also occur inconsequentially within the small confines of avery hall. prison, madhouse and laboratory for people who dream of being an idea of an architect.

oh yes, and i've gotten through september stepping on the toes of love, mostly by bulldozing through the squeamish matters of the heart by making lists- of things to be done, things done, things for the future, new things to buy, try, often involving a list of things to help me forget. listing is an easy way out- a default habit that immediately tells you what next. number, sequence, do. if in doubt, listen to jazz.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

hello again

Made it through another week! An epiphany came over me as I opened my eyes to the 2 o'clock afternoon sun and for once in a very long time, pride swelled in my rummy little heart. Living solo again for the past two weeks has proved to be tougher than living solo for the first time.

However. Small victories occur daily.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday in the Park

I got out my new flopsy hat and picnic dress for a crackers, pate and brie, buffalo wings (i know the wings don't match but they looked too tasty at zabar's ) picnic with Mr. Garcia. I've been in apartment-hunting hell for long enough to ball my fists and shake them at the heavens, so I think getting out for some sun might just be the thing to do right now.

:view album:

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Homage to a particular wordsmith.


I wandered lonely as a cloud,
and then i thought, "Sod it,
i'll have a pint instead."

I'm happily perched on the edge of my very wedgewood-esque queen bed, the tea not so far from arms reach, Beatrix Potter's home next door in the village of Hawkshead, somewhere in the Lake District. A typical english drizzle smothers the pastoral hills in light mists not too far from a lake. But the photograph is a lie. That's taken from our lodgings in a glen in Scotland- Glencoe, where an infamous massacre took place. Perhaps the erratic internet will permit me to upload more piccys. We shall see. Indeed Great Britain feels somewhat peculiar- arousing a mixed feeling of homecoming to a home we never had, but only lived through our imaginations concocted by the english childhood literature of our upbringing.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008



It's alright though your garden's gray
I know all your graces
Someday will flower in a sweet sunshower
- Chris Cornell, Sunshower

Between learning yet another foreign language and getting up early in the morning, between the family and the food, the friends and the laughter, time has just slipped by oh too quickly and the wispy sleepy days of june have faded into the more demanding month of july. It is a season for me to wait, or rather, to learn to wait, because between the never-ending circles i could run around myself and the deep stillness, there isn't any better choice.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Love is in the Air

Bro's Wedding Shoot

So I tagged along for my brother's wedding photoshoot, and snapped some illegal photographs of them, much to the hired photographer's dismay. But I swear it's one of the sweetest things I've seen this year, and how could I not.

Happily Ever After...
Bro's Wedding Shoot

...it does exist. Happened to my parents, happening now to my brother.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Imitating Art

Test 1

A quick and dirty attempt to fill in the gaps of my time. I imitate Schiele out of respect and used artist Martina Nehrling's beautiful work as an attempt at some sorta collage. Hours bleed into days and post-end-of-semester-ennui has settled in comfortably, numbly. I seldom can tell what day of the week it is and what time of the day it is, it's a sleepy haze, creeping in on little cat's feet and sitting pretty on my eyelids after 10-12 hours of rest each night/morning.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living (1991)

New York, is a city i love to hate on a regular school day. But it's undeniable sometimes, that i love it. And that's precisely when i turn the corner in the Met and bump into a Damien Hirst.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mountains of Mendoza

Me in Mendoza

Today I found this picture lying around my computer randomly, while looking for portfolio images. I liked the moment of it. The end of the semester is almost here, everybody feels it. So I'm pushing away the mountain of projects, bit by bit, morning comes smelling already like the freedom of a summer that awaits just around the bend.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Into the Woods


Architecture and war are not incompatible. Architecture is war. War is architecture. I am at war with my time, with history, with all authority that resides in fixed and frightened forms. I am one of millions who do not fit in, who have no home, no family, no doctrine, no firm place to call my own, no known beginning or end, no "sacred and primordial site." I declare war on all icons and finalities, on all histories that would chain me with my own falseness, my own pitiful fears. I know only moments, and lifetimes that are as moments, and forms that appear with infinite strength, then "melt into air." I am an architect, a constructor of worlds, a sensualist who worships the flesh, the melody, a silhouette against the darkening sky. I cannot know your name. Nor you can know mine. Tomorrow, we begin together the construction of a city.

-Lebbeus Woods

Geared into the Finals Mode, I don't dream of the rising and falling of cities, the grand fantasies of men who once lived, chords of anthems sung, the ontology of ruination and creation... but only of the sweet rocking smell that takes me home. I miss all of you.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

A Couple of Couples

Couple of Couples

Spring arrived and so we trooped down to the brooklyn botanical gardens to Bask in the first rays of the season.


some pics along the way!

Sakura Bonsai
The Only Blooming Belle
Sakura!....no wait, Magnolia!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Paint Withdrawal

Cropped Painting

i've been re-reading these two epistolary novels by nick bantock (that is since i last bought them 3 years back), about Griffin and Sabine, a postcard artist and a postal stamp illustrator who write to each other from different ends of the world. In fact, so compelling is the art that the book itself is composed of the letters and postcards with these multifarious artworks that stun me into a shade of green. i have nothing new done on the art front- architecture having wormed its tyrannous tentacles around my palate of excuses- only this one oil painting* done in a fit of contagious anger that i caught off the streets of 105th and 107th.


*it was really done last semester and i promise i will post a picture of the rest of it once i take a decent photograph of it.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Nothing Much But Random Life So Far

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh," he whispered.

"Yes, Piglet?"

"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw, "I just wanted to be sure of you."”


Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Slumbering Spring

Interior Viewedit

I must have slept a good half of my spring break away, only to wake up to some giant juicy scallop dinner (tasty!)and bruising snowboarding the next day. Now I'm back in NYC, in front of the computer with a cold creeping into full blast. Watching the jasmine-orange-pekoe tea bundle slowly blossom, hot water in my glass cup.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Still White

I must admit, there has been too much activity on the computer these days, what with taking a digital studio and picking up a character on WoW. It's my excuse for not blogging in a while. >.<

Tuesday, January 29, 2008



It's been a rough start to the semester. What with the onset of a terribly debilitating fever and the lack of proper sleep due to jetlag. I've been a bad artist. I'd rather take photographs than paint because I'm lazy.

Breakfast grapefruit instructions: cut along the equator, take spoon and eat parcels with as little squirting as possible. drink the leftover juice from hemisphere.

puppy's way of eating grapefruit. undoubtedly fun.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

With a Little Help from My Friend


i have yet to find the words to this picture. finally, i am my own model, having enlisted the help of the illustrious Aleka Drea.