Thursday, November 09, 2006

5th oil painting

untitled 5 small

i've spent years of my life with these stars in my head. time to let them out.

"Art is whatever moves you and fashion is also whatever moves you. When i see clothes i see clothes, but when i see something that moves me, for me that's fashion. That's why i see so few things that i like. Everything that excites me is art and within art i include everything: fashion, music, design, everything that moves me. If i see somtthing that moves me on the street, whether it's a fight or whatever, even if it isn't documented, it's priceless, whether it's legal or illegal, politically correct or not, if it moves me for me that's art." - Carlos Diez Diez

(transtlated, interview from b-guided, spain.)

untitled 5 thumbnail

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