back in santiago, back to blogging and rendering classic-modernist-minimalist images of an elite school that the firm is competing for. i miss the weekend. since a certain someone has been shooting off her mouth at me for being plant/flower obssessive in my photographic endeavours, i've decided to put this one up for her. (yes, you know who you are.)

weekends. i love weekends... chillan was especially beautiful, seeing spring come out in full force in the countryside was just such a simple, yet breathtaking delight.
damn! u escaped dreary new york fall for lovely chilean spring!!!
its been raining the whole phucking day here and i got wet just by goin to the pizza store... grrr...and the sun setting at 5 sure doesnt help =/
what a beautiful sun-drenched place. i can feel your mood through your photos and almost imagine a soundtrack.
lols. i love that place. if it helps, i miss new york, and i miss singapore. yeah, winter is terribly depressing. my room in manhattan had absolutely NO direct sunlight falling in, so it was cold and dark all the time, the only help were leaving the lights on which then added to the bill. depressing huh?
u know, the funny thing is that while i was there, the sun didn't manage to burn away the crazy moody bits in me... but i must say, it does help- helluva lot! *^_^*
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