Wednesday, November 29, 2006

back from the desert, smiling

salt plains

the desert did wonders for me. more photographs when i sort everything out.


Anonymous said...

That's a really good pic. The sunglasses are really cool. Can feel your good cheer from here

Rei Salveron said...

thanks! who is this tho?

wordwanderings said...

Where did you stay in the desert? Is it all as desolate as this pic?

Rei Salveron said...
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Rei Salveron said...

we stayed in some really shitty hostel in San Pedro which was actually just somebody's backyard i suspect. i think the tour guide could have really done more to find better lodgings.

the desert is desolate with a capital D, after the inital sublimity wore off, my eyes just started to really crave for lush green trees, forests and vegetation, oh and not to forget civilisation.

looking back now however, there are many personal revelations i have come to in the midst of all the harsh bare nothingness, the immensity of it all changes you, even for a few days.