Monday, November 13, 2006

conversation, oil painting no. 7, and more hair

me: it's easy for me to paint you, or people that i feel alot for but i guess i should try painting other people too, to hone my skills.
D: yeah! you could paint my friends.
me: we could invite them over.... except some of them might not like my paintings. damn, what if they don't like them?
D: yeah, so, what if they don't?
me: hmmmm...
D: well, as with any other artist, not everybody's gonna like your art. the thing you should ask yourself is who you're doing it for, why you're doing it.
me: huh, true. i'm doing it for myself.
D: ha yeah, you artists have gotta be selfish like that.
me: heh, pretty easy for me!



Anonymous said...

Why the hair fixation? ;)

I like it, though. x

Rei Salveron said...

lols. thanks! i think this is my favourite painting so far. it's the first i actually feel pleased with.

diego's just really scruffy. which makes for very fun paint matter. ;P

Anonymous said...

Doesn't look very Diego-ish from my recollection of him.

Anyway, guess e hairy gorilla part is true to life though.

Am winding down for e Tokyo trip in 4 hours' time

Sayonara & take care

Anonymous said...

Great painting!

tho' e actual person is much better looking

anonymous' dragon partner

anonymous says pa ma pi